An Advanced Brazilian Waxing Educator and Positivity Enthusiast on a mission to make luxury, quality, and exceptional techniques the gold standard in waxing.

Born and raised in Northern California. I’m a delighted mash-up ( or Heinz 57, as my mother loved to say) of French, German, Irish, and Scottish (on her side), and 50% Portuguese (Azores) on my dad's side. I've got fire and determination running through my veins. 

Growing up, I was lucky to have strong female influences with my mother and her two sisters. Full of fun, wisdom, and some pretty epic one-liners. Some of the gems they passed down : 

  • “Never judge a book by its cover. “
  • “You can do anything you put your mind to.”
  • “Always leave a better place than you found it.”
  • “Stop crying, or I’ll rip your arm off and beat you with the bloody end of it.” (Tough love, right)


Interestingly, I wasn’t always a wax boss. Waxing is my second career. I worked in high-tech in Silicon Valley, knee-deep in computer stuff, before realizing that waxing was calling my name. So, in 2004, I took the plunge and became an esthetician, getting my “License to Wax.”

While in school, I was drawn to waxing like a moth to a flame. I would wax anything and everything anyone would let me. I even tried to wax my boyfriend’s head once. (Pro tip: Don’t do that. Just... don’t.)

I was fearless yet clueless at the same time. (Still am)

My waxing education in school? A whopping 30 seconds that went something like this:

  1. Apply wax in the direction of hair growth
  2. Remove wax against the direction of hair growth
  3. Class dismissed

If you’re shaking your head thinking, “Hey, that sounds familiar!” - I see you.


Thankfully, I landed a job at a top European day spa, ( ooh, LaLa),  in “The Valley” . They taught me that there was more to waxing than  “apply with and remove against.” Thank you, big fancy Day Spa People!

This is where I learned to perform the Brazilian. Though I’ll be honest, at first, it was horrifying. I mean, come on, who’s not at least a little terrified to be in the “down bellows” of a complete stranger? They’re called privates for a reason.

My fears, in no particular order were as follows. Maybe we share some of these same fears? Feel free to check any and all that apply to you.

  • Fear of causing pain
  • Fear of touching someone else’s stuff
  • Fear of seeing a total stranger naked in front of you (Ugh)
  • Fear of lifting skin
  • Fear of tearing skin
  • Fear of bruising skin
  • Fear of being awkward
  • Fear of sticking bits together
  • Fear of taking too long
  • Fear of not knowing what the “F” you’re doing
  • Fear of leaving your client a sticky mess or worse
  • Fear of the client not re-booking
  • Fear of...(insert your fear here)

The good news is that I made it through to become The Wax Chick, which means that I have what it takes to help you become the waxing pro of your dreams. I've already done all of the hard work for all of us and I'm ready to share it all with you so you can hit the ground running with confidence. 


In 2005, life threw me a curveball, and I found myself moving to the tiny town of Barstow, in Southern California, with my partner. Starting all over again was a struggle, there were few salons and no space for rent. But did that stop me? Heck no!

While waiting, I worked on keeping my skills sharp. 

Quality Training was hard to find back then. (And still is now). After searching the limited internet, I finally found a hands on Brazilian class. It was just a few hours away in Los Angeles. During that class, the trainer mentioned that they were looking for educators. That intrigued me. Being the Scorpio that I am, I love a challenge. Even though I was scared to take the risk, I applied for and got the job! Over the next 2 years I would discover my passion for educating and supporting other beauty pros to reach their waxing potential.

Not long after being hired as an educator, a space opened up in town, and I was able to begin taking clients! Everything was coming together, or so I thought. Building a business was harder than I imagined. (Another thing we didn’t really learn in school). Brazilian waxing wasn't as popular back then as it is now, so getting people to give it a try was a challenge. 


By 2007, my Brazilian business was booming and I decided to go out on my own as an educator, and The Wax Chick was born!

At this point in time, eyebrow design was THE most popular waxing service. There was very little available education wise, so... 

Knowing I couldn't be everywhere all at once, I got the genius idea to make my own educational dvd. The ones I had seen up to this point, were poor quality. You couldn't see any of what you really needed to see to do what you needed to do.  Full of fear, and flying by the seat of my pants, I created and launched my first educational DVD, “
Brilliant Brows."  A complete guide to designing and waxing eyebrows from start to finish.

That was just the beginning. By 2017, I would create and launch 4 more advanced waxing DVDs:

  • “The Secret Life of Brazilian Waxing” 
  • Brilliant Brows 2.0” 
  • The Wax Whisperer’s: Guide to Full Body Waxing” 
  • Brazilians Made Easy using Hard Wax” 


2012, was a big one. 

The larger goal? To be a one-stop shop where students could level up their waxing skills with advanced techniques and deliver superior hair removal results for their clients with high-performance waxing products. 

What did I do? Launched  my own wax, and line of pre and post waxing products, of course, under the Beelicious brand.  (The brand was recently updated in June 2024 with a new look and new name "Chakrawax", all while maintaining the same exceptional quality).

Because, let’s be real, why settle for good when you can have great?

2024: 20 YEARS LATER...

With 20 years of experience behind me, I know more know than I did then. I've had the pleasure to be a contributing author, and speaker, writing about waxing for many trade magazine, and speaking at many trades shows.   

One thing I know for sure is that, just because someone my know how to do a Brazilian does not mean they are able to teach it to someone else.  

Great educators can adapt and adjust their teaching methods to meet the needs and experience level of each individual student. Not everyone learns in the same way, or at the same pace. I'm great at assessing strengths and weaknesses in  technique and tweaking to allow the student to see immediate results. 

Why am I telling you all this? Even after 20 years, my passion is still education. I’m here to support you on your waxing journey from start to finish. 

Why waste your time with the rest when you’ve got access to the best? (That’s me, in case you missed it!)

Yours Fiercely,
